Traveling Solo

For the past few years, my vacations have been fairly local.  Except for a long weekend  to Puerto Rico, I’ve been spending my precious days off, exploring New England towns I hadn’t been to before, or relaxing down on the Cape (Cape Cod is my second home, and will always be one of my favorite places).  But it has been too long since I’ve had a true adventure in a far flung locale, so I decided I couldn’t wait any longer, I needed to plan a trip!

It isn’t an ideal time for my boyfriend to take a big trip because he’s closing on a house soon (yay!!).  Many of my married friends are mothers to young children and not skipping town without the kiddos any time soon.  And my single friends had already booked their big vacations months ago, when I wasn’t ready to commit.  So instead of waiting for everyone else’s schedule to align with mine, I decided this would be a great opportunity to try a solo adventure.

Although I took small travels alone when I was in Europe during my college semester abroad, I was a little hesitant to travel completely alone for an extended time.  I then remembered my co-worker had just taken a trip through REI Adventures.  Yup, the store REI, offers trips.  They offer tours to locations all over the world, with varying levels of activity, at all times of year.  I combed through the options, and made my choice…Italy here I come!!  My adventure will be hiking and exploring the Amalfi Coast along the Mediterranean Sea.

Who could ever tire of views like this?

Since I will be part of a small group, I won’t be completely alone, which is good because I can only talk to myself for so long.  But I am really looking forward to stepping out of my comfort zone, even if a little intimidating, forcing myself to strike up conversations with strangers (non-sketchy strangers), and spend time by myself in an unknown location.  And just think, during our free time, I can do whatever I want to do, without worrying if my travel companion wants to do something else…I might get used to this.

Oh, and let’s not forget the best part of Italy…the food & wine!  The tour just happens to include a cooking class and wine tastings.  Countdown is officially on!

Does anyone have any tips for traveling solo?

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